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Between a Rock and a Hard Place in America

The inevitable cycle of conspiracy and deceit until sin and death are destroyed forever by Jesus Christ. The world is in between a rock and a hard place when it comes to politics and current affairs. There is no way out of the problems we’ve created without the majority of people walking in the Holy Spirit. As it is, the vast majority of people are walking in the flesh, including me too much of the time. The modern world has been created to take us away from the spiritual, from faith in the Holy Bible. Technology in the form of television, the internet, and smartphones are the final tools needed to thwart our faith and set us up for deception. The old-time Christian revivals, even just over a hundred years ago before television are essentially not possible anymore with smartphones around. Smartphones and technology are too stimulating and distracting for people to commune with God like we used to. In my opinion, real Christian revival isn’t possible anymore with this technology. The Ho...
Recent posts

An Ode to Grandpa Lee

An old-time pioneer amid modern vanity and "progress." The man stood tall in the wind with the sun beating down on his flat-brim cowboy hat. He was a working man, focused on his pioneer family in the western country they called home. Building and designing structures high and wide, the man skipped across wooden beams high in the air, under shadows cast only by moving clouds; wide open spaces watched the scene as death-defying feats were carried out in relative obscurity, as just another day of work. The man was an old-timer with relatively few years to boast, a before his time pioneer with an adventurous and loving wife plotting business in sagebrush lands far beyond the hyped city life bustling with seemingly meaningless activities. His skin was as leather, scorched in the sun and beaten with high winds containing drifting sand mixed with alkaline dirt. The dry mountain air in the high desert cleansed his heart with comfortable respite from the high temps and harsh weather e...

The next war will start before the Boomer Gen passes away

The NWO will leverage the Zionist brainwashing the Boomers have undergone. It makes sense that the hidden hand or the shadow government would start the next war before the Boomer Gen passes away, as they are the ones who support Israel the most. In general, the younger generations don’t care about Christianity or Israel. Their programming is to care about themselves and technology. If this is true, the next war will start within an estimated 5-10 years. The youngest Boomers were born in 1964, so are 61 years old. The oldest were born in 1946, so are 79 years old. To note: That means the youngest of the Greatest Gen are 80 years old. 2025 is also the first of the Beta Gen. So, there is a limited window of time for the NWO to leverage the Zionist propaganda they worked so hard to install into these older generations. Although these older gens are too old to do the fighting, they will spearhead the political and social support needed to send off the younger gens to die. The NWO also caref...

The Final Deception is Conservative and Religious

Politics are going according to the NWO's deceptive plan. Politics, History, and the NWO I’ve been taking a break from talking about politics lately, yet that doesn’t mean I feel any different about it. Being someone who doesn’t support Trump or the Dems makes it hard to get any traction with an audience. The truth is more nuanced than most people can handle. It is easier to simply pick a side and believe it without much critical thinking. Trump is speaking the common sense views of the majority of Americans who still have half a brain left after the many decades of brainwashing we’ve been subjected to. The big data algorithms have been gathering the views of every American, compiling them into meticulously organized data reports, so they know exactly what most people want to hear. The left are those who have accepted the brainwashed agenda without any critical thinking. They are the useful idiots the NWO has used brilliantly to create  most  of the problems that t...

Why, After 3 Years, I Canceled My Medium Membership

  The platform feeds off writers like me. I first began writing on Medium around 2016. The first account was canceled by Medium for being promotional after a couple of years, which it wasn’t. I then started with another account around 2018, which is the account I’m currently using. In the late part of 2022, I started writing more seriously on Medium and became a member, which I’ve been until now. For a few months, I was even a Friend of Medium, but the rest of the time just a basic $5/month member. I’ve published 145 articles so far. I’ve decided to cancel my basic membership, yet it will still be valid for four days from today. Most writers on Medium will understand why I’m canceling, yet I would guess I stuck it out longer than most — three years of continuous membership. All in all, I’ve probably made around half of what I’ve put into the platform, and for the most part, the articles on Medium aren’t worth paying to read — unless you want to hear about how successful the liberal...

Turn Off the Modern World

Meditate upon the truth. The sped-up modern world shifting sideways into chaos, while petty offenses derail vows made with double-minded sincerity. Lacking perspective, the masses rationalize hedonistic actions under the pretense of selfish justifications. Turn off the modern world, meditate on the truth of our existence. Find the truth by loving it with unselfish motives and sincere desire. There they are, rattling off another conditioned lie, oblivious of the spiritual manifestation within their cursed souls. Deceived and being deceived, their sins blinding them to reality, demons guiding them into a pit of destruction. The hive mind-blowing heavy misery in the right-left paradigm; showers of hate wrapped in self-righteous lies. Where it leads is lost on the weak-minded adherents so sure of themselves and the illusions they chase. The time has come to turn off the modern world, for it is a frequency of deception, a triple-cross betrayal wrapped in a hopeful tomorrow for those who see...

Old Cars Are Better than New Ones

Cars are getting too complex with technology. Older and less expensive cars are better than new ones because they don’t overly rely on computer technology to function. What’s going to happen to these new computer cars in 20 years? They’ll be in the junkyard, as the computer was too expensive to fix. What’s worse, in 20 years, the oldest cars on the road will be around 20–30 years old — i.e., the new cars now! That means all cars will have too much technology built in — every non-manual digital function from the computer can go out and stop working, while manual issues are easier to fix. Another main reason why I like older cars is to have more freedom from control. Newer cars with computer junk can be shut off remotely from anywhere, hacked into, and governments and corporations can deny access to use. Why would I pay the exorbitant cost of owning a new car when: It will be in the junkyard in 15–20 years Can be controlled remotely It is expensive Are difficult/expensive to repair or ge...

Same Articles Published on NewsBreak vs. Medium 2024

These sites are very different, yet how do they compare stat-wise with the same articles? I discovered how to publish my non-news articles on NewsBreak; I just put   Opinion   in front of the title. Now I can put the same articles I write on Medium on NB and see how they compare. NB pays an estimated $4.50 per thousand views on average. I’ve published 15 articles on both sites since this change. NewsBreak articles have been published in the last 36 days. Let’s look at 7 examples: Writing is Hard For Two Reasons Investing in the writing piece and the unknown results. (published 4 days ago on M and NB) Medium: 2 NewsBreak: 199 4 Toto Songs That Sound Like the Beatles One of their biggest influences. (published 6 days ago on M and NB) Medium: 8 NewsBreak: 886 How Different Would We Be Walking In Another Person’s Shoes? Biological vs. environmental influences in a person’s makeup. (published 11 days ago on M and NB) Medium: 8 NewsBreak: 111 Stay Tr...

Writing is Hard For Two Reasons

Investing in the writing piece and the unknown results. Unknown Results of Writing Piece If, for instance, I knew every article would reach 10k views and 7k reads, my approach would probably be different — I can hear some say, just visualize and believe, act as though it already happened, yet it hasn’t and that ends up being a powerful truth even with an optimistic attitude. Having confidence in the performance of an article is different than having confidence in the content within the writing piece. The writer could very well feel the piece was worthy and done well, even if it doesn’t do well according to their set performance standards when published. Let’s say this, writers on all levels are generally dealing with the unknown when publishing a writing piece. For those who are not assured a decent result because of status, position, and level in the industry (those who haven’t “paid their dues” maybe), the unknown can become a detriment to writing for any monetary gain or accolades. ...

4 Toto Songs That Sound Like the Beatles

                                    One of their biggest influences. Toto came out with their first self-titled album in 1978. Their first 4 albums were with singer Bobby Kimball and bassist David Hungate. After the fourth album,  Toto IV , these two original bandmates left Toto. During these early years (1978–1984), Toto sounded more like the Beatles in some of their songs. They had a British feel to their music, especially, with their first two albums,  Toto  and  Hydra . Here are the four songs I think sound the most like the Beatles from these first 4 albums: “Rockmaker” ( Toto ) singer/songwriter David Paich 2. “Manuela Run” ( Toto ) singer/songwriter David Paich 3. “Lorraine” ( Hydra ) singer/songwriter David Paich 4. “St. George and the Dragon” ( Hydra ), singer Bobby Kimball, songwriter David Paich Summary These are also four of my favorite Toto songs. Interestingly...